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Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje

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WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ikhonkco yemakethe

Umthamo wokuthengwa kweempahla WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust namhlanje kunye nembali yentlawulo ye-WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ukususela ekuqaleni kokuthengisa kwiWHART.BK izabelo kwi-stock exchange.
Yongeza kumajethijethi
Ukongezwa kumajethi

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust i-capital capital

Namhlanje i-market capital WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ingu-35 674 935 296 Baht Thai.

Yintoni i capitalism ye WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust namhlanje. Ngokusekwe kurhwebo lwexabiso lesitokhwe WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust kwintengiso yokuthengiselana ngesitokhwe, unokuvavanya ubupapasho be- WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust. Olu lwazi lolwazi malunga WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust capitalization. WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust itekhs yentengiso yonyuke ngo- $ 0.

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ivolumu yezorhwebo

Namhlanje inani lemali yokuthengisa WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust lingama-46 500 Baht Thai.
-74 551 ฿ (-61.59%)
utshintsho lwendleko yorhwebo ukususela ngezolo

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ithengiswa kuthengiso lweevenkile ezahlukeneyo. Itshathi yemihla ngemihla yokurhweba ye WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ikwiwebhusayithi yethu. WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust yokuthengisa ngexesha lokwenyani elibanjwe kuninzi lokushintshiselana ngexabiso lesitoko, iwebhusayithi yethu ibonisa umthamo wemihla ngemihla wokurhweba WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust. WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ikhonkco yentengiso iyenyuka.


WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust istatshi yekhredithi yemakethe

0.93% - utshintsho olwenziwayo kwi-capital capital ye WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ngeveki. 0% - utshintsho olwenziwayo kwimarike WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ngenyanga. Ngonyaka uphela, WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust i-capitalization iguqulwe ngo-0%. Namhlanje, WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust capitalization iqikelelwa 35 674 935 296 iidola zaseMelika.

Iveki Inyanga iinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust imbali yenkxaso-mali

Umhla Ixabiso
Imali-mali (intengo-mali yemarike) yixabiso lemarike yazo zonke izabelo zeenkampani ezithengiswa kwi-stock exchange. Imali yentengo yemali ilingana nexabiso lezabelo ezandisiwe ngenani lezabelo ezikhoyo.
03/05/2023 35 674 935 296 ฿
02/05/2023 35 674 935 296 ฿
28/04/2023 35 674 935 296 ฿
27/04/2023 36 002 230 272 ฿
26/04/2023 36 002 230 272 ฿
25/04/2023 35 674 935 296 ฿
24/04/2023 35 347 644 416 ฿

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust isatifiketi somqulu

Iveki Inyanga iinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust idatha yembali yevolumu

Umhla Umqulu (24h)
Ixabiso lezorhwebo leWHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust izabelo yintlawulo yenani lazo zonke iintengiso kunye neengxenye ze-WHART.BK ezithengiweyo kwaye zathengiswa ngexesha lomhla okhethiweyo.
03/05/2023 46 500 ฿
02/05/2023 121 051 ฿
28/04/2023 51 702 ฿
27/04/2023 35 900 ฿
26/04/2023 100 ฿
25/04/2023 311 720 ฿
24/04/2023 430 700 ฿

Iimali yentengiso enkulu ye WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust kwiidola zaseMelika ngoku 03/05/2023. WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust capitalization ilingane 35 674 935 296 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 02/05/2023. WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust capitalisation yimali eyi- $ 35 674 935 296 kwi 28/04/2023. WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust capitalization e 27/04/2023 ifikelele kuthi 36 002 230 272 iidola zaseMelika.

Vuliwe 26/04/2023, WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust capitalisation yayiyi- $ 36 002 230 272. Vuliwe 25/04/2023, WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust capitalisation yayiyi- $ 35 674 935 296. 24/04/2023 WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust capitalization ilingane 35 347 644 416 iidola zaseMelika.

Inkcitho ye-WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust namhlanje ngu-35 674 935 296 ฿. Iimali zentengiso ye-WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ishintshile 0% xa kuthelekiswa nezolo. Imali yokuthengisa ye WHART.BK izabelo ze WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust ngosuku lokugqibela lokurhweba lilinganiselwa kuma-46 500 ฿. Ixabiso lokuthengiswa kwezabelo ze WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust latshintshile kwi--61.586% xa kuthelekiswa nosuku lwangaphambili lworhwebo.

Iindleko zezabelo WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust

YezeMali WHA Premium Growth Freehold And Leasehold Real Estate Investment Trust