Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje
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Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje

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Izabelo zeStock

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Izabelo zezabelo zeenkampani. Kuphi utyalo mali?

Vanguard Communication Services ETF (VOX)

The investment seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index. The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the MSCI US Investable Market Index /Telecommunication Services 25/50, an index made up of stocks of large, mid-size, and small U.S. companies within the telecommunication services sector, as classified under the Global Industry Classification Standard. The Advisor attempts to replicate the target index by seeking to invest all, or substantially all, of its assets in the stocks that make up the index, holding each stock in approximately the same proportion as its weighting in the index. It is non-diversified.
Yongeza kumajethijethi
Ukongezwa kumajethi
Yabelana ngeTikiti: VOX
Igama leNkampani: Vanguard Communication Services
Ukuthengiswa kweShishini: NYSE Arca (PCX)
Ilizwe: Amazwe Amanyene
Imali: US dollar (USD)
Iwebhusayithi: http://www.vanguard.com

VOX itekiti okanye uphawu lwezabelo Vanguard Communication Services ETF. Ungathenga okanye uthengise izabelo Vanguard Communication Services ETF kwintengiselwano yebhanki NYSE Arca. Inkampani Vanguard Communication Services ETF isekelwe kwi-Amazwe Amanyene. Izabelo VOX Vanguard Communication Services ETF zithengiswa kwi-zeedola.

Vanguard Communication Services ETF ngumbutho wentengiso onamasheya akhe acatshulwe kuthengiso lwesitokhwe. I-Allstockstoday.com inikezela ngolwazi lwasemva malunga Vanguard Communication Services ETF kweli phepha. Inkampani nganye inegama elisemthethweni. Igama Vanguard Communication Services ETF sisifinyezo esibhaliswe kwiqumrhu elisemthethweni. Vanguard Communication Services ETF. Eyona ndawo iphambili yokuhlawula irhafu lilizwe lokubhalisa.

Ulwazi malunga Vanguard Communication Services ETF eboniswe apha ithathwe kwidatha yombutho, ukusuka kutshintshiselwano nakweminye imithombo esemthethweni. Ulwazi malunga ne-Vanguard Communication Services ETF ilandelwa kwi-intanethi kwimithombo efumanekayo esidlangalaleni. VOX i-ticker ticker yahlukile Vanguard Communication Services ETF i-ID kuthengiso olukhulu lwemibhalo yethu. NYSE Arca I-stock exchange ligama lotshintshiselwano oluphambili apho kuthengiswa khona inkampani.

Vanguard Communication Services ETF iivolumu zokurhweba kwezinye iitokhwe zotshintsho zihlala zingaphantsi kuneyona iphambili NYSE Arca. Ilizwe lokubhalisa Vanguard Communication Services ETF yindawo apho kufakwa iirhafu eziphambili zenkampani. Ngokwesiqhelo eyona ofisi iphambili yenkampani ikweli lizwe. Ilizwe lenkampani Vanguard Communication Services ETF ilandelwa ngexesha langempela.

Uhlobo lwangoku lokunika ingxelo Vanguard Communication Services ETF yi US dollar. Imali yenkampani ihlala iyimali yesizwe yelizwe ebhaliswe kulo inkampani. Iinkampani zamanye amazwe zinokunikezela ngamaxwebhu ezemali kwiimali ezahlukileyo, kodwa imali yokunika ingxelo yamazwe onke yidola yaseMelika. Iinkampani ezahlukeneyo zide zibe neewebhusayithi ezininzi ezisemthethweni.

IiWebhusayithi zeenkampani ezinkulu zinokufotwa okanye zikotshwe. Kubaluleke kakhulu ukwazi iwebhusayithi esemthethweni ye Vanguard Communication Services ETF ukuze uqonde ukuba usebenza nalo mbutho. Umlawuli uhlala ebizwa ngokuba ngumphathi jikelele. Ulwazi malunga nomphathi oyintloko we Vanguard Communication Services ETF ifumaneka esidlangalaleni kwimithombo evulekile.


Iindleko zezabelo Vanguard Communication Services ETF

YezeMali Vanguard Communication Services ETF