Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje
Iingcaphuno zeStock zeenkampani ezingama-71229 ngexesha langempela.
Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje

Iingcaphuno zempahla

Imali icatshulwa kwi-intanethi

Imbali icatshulwa ngemali

Imali yerhwebo yemali

Izabelo zeStock

Inzuzo kwizabelo zenkampani

Iingxelo zemali

Izabelo zezabelo zeenkampani. Kuphi utyalo mali?

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ikhonkco yemakethe

Umthamo wokuthengwa kweempahla The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc namhlanje kunye nembali yentlawulo ye-The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ukususela ekuqaleni kokuthengisa kwiRBS izabelo kwi-stock exchange.
Yongeza kumajethijethi
Ukongezwa kumajethi

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc i-capital capital

Namhlanje i-market capital The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ingu-18 088 642 560 US dollar.
-674 662 400 $ (-3.60%)
utshintsho lwentengo ukususela ngezolo

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc i-capital capital kwi-dollar namhlanje. Ngokusekwe kurhwebo lwexabiso lesitokhwe The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc kwintengiso yokuthengiselana ngesitokhwe, unokuvavanya ubupapasho be- The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalization yanamhlanje kwiwebhusayithi yethu ukuze ibhekiswe kuyo. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc i-cap cap namhlanje ilingana no-18 088 642 560 iidola zaseMelika.

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ivolumu yezorhwebo

Namhlanje inani lemali yokuthengisa The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc lingama-675 586 US dollar.
-910 674 $ (-57.41%)
utshintsho lwendleko yorhwebo ukususela ngezolo

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ithengiswa kwiiwebhusayithi ezahlukeneyo zorhwebo. Itshathi yemihla ngemihla yokurhweba ye The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ikwiwebhusayithi yethu. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc yokuthengisa ngexesha lokwenyani elibanjwe kuninzi lokushintshiselana ngexabiso lesitoko, iwebhusayithi yethu ibonisa umthamo wemihla ngemihla wokurhweba The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc i-capitalisation yehle nge- $ -674 662 400.


The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc istatshi yekhredithi yemakethe

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalisation kwigrafu ngeminyaka. -5.77% ngeveki - utshintsho kutshintsho lweentengiso The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc. 0% - utshintsho olwenziwayo kwimarike The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ngenyanga. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, i-capitalization ngoku - 18 088 642 560 iidola zaseMelika.

Iveki Inyanga iinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc imbali yenkxaso-mali

Umhla Ixabiso
Imali-mali (intengo-mali yemarike) yixabiso lemarike yazo zonke izabelo zeenkampani ezithengiswa kwi-stock exchange. Imali yentengo yemali ilingana nexabiso lezabelo ezandisiwe ngenani lezabelo ezikhoyo.
22/07/2020 18 088 642 560 $
21/07/2020 18 763 304 960 $
20/07/2020 18 214 250 496 $
17/07/2020 18 274 504 704 $
16/07/2020 18 514 958 336 $
13/07/2020 18 593 177 600 $
10/07/2020 19 196 665 856 $

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc isatifiketi somqulu

Iveki Inyanga iinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc idatha yembali yevolumu

Umhla Umqulu (24h)
Ixabiso lezorhwebo leThe Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc izabelo yintlawulo yenani lazo zonke iintengiso kunye neengxenye ze-RBS ezithengiweyo kwaye zathengiswa ngexesha lomhla okhethiweyo.
22/07/2020 675 586 $
21/07/2020 1 586 260 $
20/07/2020 513 319 $
17/07/2020 781 257 $
16/07/2020 1 410 075 $
13/07/2020 2 190 617 $
10/07/2020 1 446 785 $

The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalisation yimali eyi- $ 18 088 642 560 kwi 22/07/2020. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalised eyi- 18 763 304 960 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 21/07/2020. 20/07/2020 The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalisation ilingana 18 214 250 496 iidola zaseMelika. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalised eyi- 18 274 504 704 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 17/07/2020.

16/07/2020 The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalisation ilingana 18 514 958 336 iidola zaseMelika. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalization e 13/07/2020 ilingana ne 18 593 177 600 iidola zaseMelika. The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc capitalization e 10/07/2020 ilingana ne 19 196 665 856 iidola zaseMelika.

Inkcitho ye-The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc namhlanje ngu-18 088 642 560 $. Iimali zentengiso ye-The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ishintshile -3.596% xa kuthelekiswa nezolo. Imali yokuthengisa ye RBS izabelo ze The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc ngosuku lokugqibela lokurhweba lilinganiselwa kuma-675 586 $. Ixabiso lokuthengiswa kwezabelo ze The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc latshintshile kwi--57.41% xa kuthelekiswa nosuku lwangaphambili lworhwebo.

Iindleko zezabelo The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc

YezeMali The Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc