Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje
Iingcaphuno zeStock zeenkampani ezingama-71229 ngexesha langempela.
Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje

Iingcaphuno zempahla

Imali icatshulwa kwi-intanethi

Imbali icatshulwa ngemali

Imali yerhwebo yemali

Izabelo zeStock

Inzuzo kwizabelo zenkampani

Iingxelo zemali

Izabelo zezabelo zeenkampani. Kuphi utyalo mali?

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ikhonkco yemakethe

Umthamo wokuthengwa kweempahla The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation namhlanje kunye nembali yentlawulo ye-The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ukususela ekuqaleni kokuthengisa kwiBONY34.SA izabelo kwi-stock exchange.
Yongeza kumajethijethi
Ukongezwa kumajethi

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation i-capital capital

Namhlanje i-market capital The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ingu-163 563 814 912 Lenene Brazilian.
-2 193 784 832 R$ (-1.32%)
utshintsho lwentengo ukususela ngezolo

Utshintsho kwi-capitalisation yentengiso ye The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation iwebhusayithi yethu ibamba kanye ngosuku. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalisation, i.e, inani lezabelo ezingasasebenziyo eziphindaphindwe ngexabiso lesabelo, iyaboniswa. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ingxowankulu ulwazi oluvulekileyo. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, i-capitalisation - 163 563 814 912 iidola zaseMelika.

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ivolumu yezorhwebo

Namhlanje inani lemali yokuthengisa The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation lingama-788 Lenene Brazilian.
-488 R$ (-38.24%)
utshintsho lwendleko yorhwebo ukususela ngezolo

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ithengiswa kwiiwebhusayithi ezahlukeneyo zorhwebo. Itshathi yemihla ngemihla yokurhweba ye The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ikwiwebhusayithi yethu. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation yokuthengisa kwi-intanethi ebanjwa kakhulu kwi-intanethi ethengisa izinto ezininzi, iwebhusayithi yethu ibonisa inani elipheleleyo lokurhweba The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ngosuku. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation i-capitalisation yehle nge- $ -2 193 784 832.


The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation istatshi yekhredithi yemakethe

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalisation kwigrafu ngeminyaka. -7% - utshintsho olwenziwayo kwi-capital capital ye The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ngeveki. 0 % ngonyaka - utshintsho kwimali eyinkunzi The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, i-capitalization ngoku - 163 563 814 912 iidola zaseMelika.

Iveki Inyanga iinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation imbali yenkxaso-mali

Umhla Ixabiso
Imali-mali (intengo-mali yemarike) yixabiso lemarike yazo zonke izabelo zeenkampani ezithengiswa kwi-stock exchange. Imali yentengo yemali ilingana nexabiso lezabelo ezandisiwe ngenani lezabelo ezikhoyo.
03/05/2023 163 563 814 912 R$
02/05/2023 165 757 599 744 R$
28/04/2023 167 872 479 232 R$
27/04/2023 168 535 359 488 R$
26/04/2023 168 535 359 488 R$
25/04/2023 169 758 507 008 R$
24/04/2023 175 880 159 232 R$

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation isatifiketi somqulu

Iveki Inyanga iinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation idatha yembali yevolumu

Umhla Umqulu (24h)
Ixabiso lezorhwebo leThe Bank of New York Mellon Corporation izabelo yintlawulo yenani lazo zonke iintengiso kunye neengxenye ze-BONY34.SA ezithengiweyo kwaye zathengiswa ngexesha lomhla okhethiweyo.
03/05/2023 788 R$
02/05/2023 1 276 R$
28/04/2023 728 R$
27/04/2023 67 R$
26/04/2023 0 R$
25/04/2023 186 R$
24/04/2023 33 R$

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalisation yimali eyi- $ 163 563 814 912 kwi 03/05/2023. 02/05/2023 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalised eyi- 165 757 599 744 iidola zaseMelika. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalization e 28/04/2023 ifikelele kuthi 167 872 479 232 iidola zaseMelika. Iimali yentengiso enkulu ye The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ifikelele kwi 168 535 359 488 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 27/04/2023.

The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation i-capitalisation yentengiso kwi 26/04/2023 ilingana ne 168 535 359 488 iidola zaseMelika. 25/04/2023 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation capitalised eyi- 169 758 507 008 iidola zaseMelika. Iimali yentengiso enkulu ye The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ifikelele kwi 175 880 159 232 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 24/04/2023.

Inkcitho ye-The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation namhlanje ngu-163 563 814 912 R$. Iimali zentengiso ye-The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ishintshile -1.323% xa kuthelekiswa nezolo. Imali yokuthengisa ye BONY34.SA izabelo ze The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation ngosuku lokugqibela lokurhweba lilinganiselwa kuma-788 R$. Ixabiso lokuthengiswa kwezabelo ze The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation latshintshile kwi--38.245% xa kuthelekiswa nosuku lwangaphambili lworhwebo.

Iindleko zezabelo The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation

YezeMali The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation