Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje
Iingcaphuno zeStock zeenkampani ezingama-71229 ngexesha langempela.
Iimakethe ze-Stock, ukuthengisana kwempahla namhlanje

Iingcaphuno zempahla

Imali icatshulwa kwi-intanethi

Imbali icatshulwa ngemali

Imali yerhwebo yemali

Izabelo zeStock

Inzuzo kwizabelo zenkampani

Iingxelo zemali

Izabelo zezabelo zeenkampani. Kuphi utyalo mali?

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ikhonkco yemakethe

Umthamo wokuthengwa kweempahla HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities namhlanje kunye nembali yentlawulo ye-HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ukususela ekuqaleni kokuthengisa kwi2638.HK izabelo kwi-stock exchange.
Yongeza kumajethijethi
Ukongezwa kumajethi

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities i-capital capital

Namhlanje i-market capital HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ingu-43 915 915 264 Hong Kong dollar.
+353 447 936 $ (+0.81%)
utshintsho lwentengo ukususela ngezolo

Yintoni i capitalism ye HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities namhlanje. Ulwazi malunga notshintsho kwiiklasi ze- HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities capitalisation ibalwa kanye ngemini. Ungafumanisa i HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities i-capitalisation yanamhlanje ngokusekelwe kuthengiso lwentengiso yesitoko kwiimarike zotshintshiselwano. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities, i-capitalisation - 43 915 915 264 iidola zaseMelika.

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ivolumu yezorhwebo

Namhlanje inani lemali yokuthengisa HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities lingama-3 643 116 Hong Kong dollar.
+2 546 301 $ (+232.15%)
utshintsho lwendleko yorhwebo ukususela ngezolo

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities umthamo wokurhweba namhlanje = 3 643 116 iidola zaseMelika. Namhlanje, HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities kwenzeke kwiimarike ezahlukeneyo zesitokhwe. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities yokuthengisa kwi-intanethi ebanjwa kakhulu kwi-intanethi ethengisa izinto ezininzi, iwebhusayithi yethu ibonisa inani elipheleleyo lokurhweba HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ngosuku. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities i-capitalization ikhula ngosuku kwiidola zaseMelika.


HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities istatshi yekhredithi yemakethe

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities capitalisation kwigrafu ngeminyaka. Utshintsho ngaphakathi HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities capitalization ngeveki 1.22%. 0.81% - HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities utshintsho lwemalike lonyaka. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities, i-capitalization ngoku - 43 915 915 264 iidola zaseMelika.

Iveki Inyanga iinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities imbali yenkxaso-mali

Umhla Ixabiso
Imali-mali (intengo-mali yemarike) yixabiso lemarike yazo zonke izabelo zeenkampani ezithengiswa kwi-stock exchange. Imali yentengo yemali ilingana nexabiso lezabelo ezandisiwe ngenani lezabelo ezikhoyo.
04/05/2023 43 915 915 264 $
03/05/2023 43 562 467 328 $
02/05/2023 43 739 189 248 $
28/04/2023 43 650 830 336 $
27/04/2023 43 474 108 416 $
26/04/2023 43 474 108 416 $
25/04/2023 43 385 741 312 $

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities isatifiketi somqulu

Iveki Inyanga iinyanga 3 Unyaka Iminyaka emithathu

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities idatha yembali yevolumu

Umhla Umqulu (24h)
Ixabiso lezorhwebo leHK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities izabelo yintlawulo yenani lazo zonke iintengiso kunye neengxenye ze-2638.HK ezithengiweyo kwaye zathengiswa ngexesha lomhla okhethiweyo.
04/05/2023 3 643 116 $
03/05/2023 1 096 815 $
02/05/2023 2 031 724 $
28/04/2023 1 232 450 $
27/04/2023 4 473 560 $
26/04/2023 1 052 542 $
25/04/2023 3 214 864 $

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities capitalisation yimali eyi- $ 43 915 915 264 kwi 04/05/2023. Iimali yentengiso enkulu ye HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ifikelele kwi 43 562 467 328 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 03/05/2023. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities capitalised eyi- 43 739 189 248 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 02/05/2023. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities capitalization ilingane 43 650 830 336 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 28/04/2023.

HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities capitalisation yimali eyi- $ 43 474 108 416 kwi 27/04/2023. HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities capitalization e 26/04/2023 ifikelele kuthi 43 474 108 416 iidola zaseMelika. Iimali yentengiso enkulu ye HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ifikelele kwi 43 385 741 312 Iidola zaseMelika ku- 25/04/2023.

Inkcitho ye-HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities namhlanje ngu-43 915 915 264 $. Iimali zentengiso ye-HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ishintshile +0.81% xa kuthelekiswa nezolo. Imali yokuthengisa ye 2638.HK izabelo ze HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities ngosuku lokugqibela lokurhweba lilinganiselwa kuma-3 643 116 $. Ixabiso lokuthengiswa kwezabelo ze HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities latshintshile kwi-+232.15% xa kuthelekiswa nosuku lwangaphambili lworhwebo.

Iindleko zezabelo HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities

YezeMali HK Electric Investments and HK Electric Investments Limited Stapled Securities